
Call Me Cake Boss!

If you know my mom, you'd wonder where I got my love for cooking and baking (no offense mom). Growing up, we didn't do much baking and cooking was something done only when absolutely necessary. My mom was always on the go and slaving away in the kitchen was never her idea of a good time. I started to become interested in baking when I was about twelve. The result: a HUGE red food coloring stain on the kitchen carpet, a few ruined cookie sheets, and even fewer decent results. I've always loved finding new recipes to try and putting my own twist on them. When I moved away from home, I was determined to become a good cook. I didn't want to be one of those college students that constantly ate fast food and junk. I've recently been doing a lot of experimenting with new recipes and decided to try my hand at cake fondant. I found a pretty simple recipe and gave it a whirl. I didn't have very high hopes seeing as how I've never been so great at cakes, but the result actually wasn't too bad. Here's some pictures:

I used two 8" round white cakes.

Here's the pink fondant I used for decorating.

Here's the finished product.

I have to admit I was a little impressed with myself :] you may call me Cake Boss if you like ha ha....or not ;]


  1. What a cute cake, Morg! Now you can make ME one!

  2. If only you would have loved to bake when you lived at home. Maybe we could have homemade cakes instead of store bought ones:)

  3. WAY TO GO CAKE BOSS!! I am really impressed.

  4. Morgan!
    You have always been a good cook! I wish i was inspired like you. I do need to lear to cook better. I think once a week (when I move up) we should cook for each other or something. Then maybe I can become a better cook and Josh will like me better haha! As our good friend BORAT would say..."You are the cake boss....NOT" haha! I love you! Good job on the cake!
